HairMax Credit Card Processing
Before you make a decision on who will be doing your credit card processing…make sure you watch this very important video.
Your HairMax system has a revolutionary way to process credit cards “built into” the software.
No credit card company in the world has this feature!
And it can cost your salon thousands $$$ in lost sales down the road if you choose NOT to use this feature. It’s really that simple.
Most salon owners choose their credit card company based on two things…
1) They choose their own bank … because they think that the money will get into their account faster (which is not really true).
2) They choose a company with a super low rate…not realizing that the rate given… is usually a teaser rate that is designed to bait them in.
Neither of these reasons…are good reasons. In fact, they’re lousy reasons.
Look, most credit card processors – charge essentially the same rate…and that’s because the lion’s share of the rate is actually controlled by MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover.
Credit card processors (like your Bank) are already “locked into” a baseline rate with the big credit card companies. And so is everyone else…for that matter. So, credit cards rates have really become a commodity.
That’s why your salon will get calls EVERY week from credit card companies (promising you) that they can “save you money” on your rates.
It’s not really true!
And before we added this revolutionary NEW feature…I wouldn’t have been able to give you a compelling reason to process credit cards through HairMax either. I mean, other than speed and a little increase in efficiency – there was no real reason to use HairMax to do the credit card processing.
But that has ALL CHANGED…
So, do yourself a favor and Take just 7 minutes and watch the video below. Do this BEFORE you choose your credit card processing company. You’ll be glad you did!
“Watch The Video Below And Discover How
Hairmax Salon Software Credit Card Processing Will Help You
Capture Client Email Addresses At a Truly Alarming Rate”

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